A feature that allows users to select trusted friends who can help them regain access to their account if they're locked out.

  • How to Add Trusted Contacts on Facebook?
  1. Open Facebook in a browser of your choice and log in using your credentials.
  2. Click on the drop-down arrow at the top right corner and select Settings.
  3. Under Settings, select Securityon the left sidebar.
  4. Click Trusted Contacts
  5. Click Choose Trusted Contacts
  6. Add from three to five trusted friends and click Confirm. These trusted friends must already be on your Facebook friends list. Your selected trusted contacts will receive notification from Facebook that they have been selected as your trusted friends and will have the option of refusing the honor.

That’s it! With this, you have activated Trusted Contacts and given yourself an added option to reset the Facebook account password. Here’s how you can use them to recover Facebook account when locked out.

  • Parental Controls:Tools to help parents manage their children's activity on the platform.
  • Privacy Settings:Users can control who can see their posts, information, and contact details.

These are just a few examples, Facebook is always working to improve the security of its platform and user data.

Though there have been some security measures in place, it is recommended to carefully review the platform's privacy settings and limit the amount of personal information shared on the site.