Facebook privacy settings allow users to control who can see their posts, information, and activity on the platform. These settings can be adjusted for each individual post, or on a broader level in the privacy section of a user's profile. Some key privacy settings on Facebook include:

  • Public:Posts visible to everyone, including those who do not have a Facebook account.
  • Friends:Posts visible only to the user's Facebook friends.
  • Only Me:Posts visible only to the user.
  • Custom:Posts visible to a selected group of friends or lists.
  • Friends Except:When you choose Friends Except, you can share something with all your friends except a few. Specific: To share something with only a few friends, tap the names of the people you want to share with under Specific.

Adjust your Facebook privacy settings

    Tap in the top right of Facebook.

    Scroll down and tap Settings & privacy, then tap Settings.

    Scroll down to Audience and visibility and tap the option you want to change the privacy for.

Additionally, users can control who can see their personal information, such as birthday and location, as well as limit the audience for past posts and turn on/off the ability for search engines to link to their profile. It's important to regularly review and update these privacy settings to ensure the user's information is being shared as desired.