Trolling is the act of deliberately posting provocative or offensive messages online with the intent of eliciting an emotional response or disrupting a conversation or community. Trolling can take many different forms, from making controversial statements or arguments to making personal attacks or using offensive language.

Trolling can be seen as a form of online harassment, as it can cause emotional distress and may even lead to offline consequences such as cyberbullying or doxing. However, not all provocative or controversial statements online should be considered trolling; it's important to distinguish between legitimate arguments and discussions and intentional attempts to upset or disrupt others.

Trolling is posting inflammatory, abusive, controversial, offensive, irrelevant messages against you to upset or provoke you to lash out or display emotional responses.

Trolling can start off a heated battle of words among the members in the group against each other while the person who started it enjoys the frustrated responses.