The modus operandi for Dumpster Diving involves searching through the trash or recycling bins of an organization or individual with the goal of obtaining sensitive or valuable information. This may include the following steps:

1.Reconnaissance: The attacker identifies the target organization or individual and conducts research to gather information about the types of information that may be discarded in the trash.

2.Surveillance: The attacker may conduct surveillance of the target location to determine the best time and location to search through the trash.

3.Search and Retrieval: The attacker searches through the trash or recycling bins and retrieves any discarded items that may contain sensitive information. This may include paper documents, computer equipment, or other physical media.

4.Analysis: The attacker analyzes the retrieved information to identify any valuable or sensitive information that can be used for further attacks, such as identity theft or social engineering.

5.Exploitation: The attacker may use the information obtained through Dumpster Diving to launch other types of attacks, such as phishing, spear phishing, or identity theft.