DURATION for Real Life Cyber incident and how you have overcome that issue: The film shall not be more than 2 mins including the beginning and conclusion remarks. The film may be casted with family and friends.
FORMAT: The films/videos may be shot in MPEG4 or AVI format. The recommended ratios are: 16:9 / 16:9 Full Height Anamorphic in SDV / HDV.
The film/video should: 1) Not depict any horror/conflicts 2) Not harm any living objects
RIGHT TO SCREEN: The participants grant the organizers (www.staysafeonline.in) the non-exclusive rights to screen their film/video entry on their respective websites, promoted through social media platforms for awareness creation and other associated screenings.
Real life cyber incidents may be in their original language, but MUST be subtitled in ENGLISH.
Real life cyber incidents must not represent any particular individual, organization, or brand name and must not depict any religious theme.
Real life cyber incidents not following above guidelines will be rejected.